Since time immemorial navigators have used quite a number of methods to find their way out of wilderness or pinpoint the exact positions of ships sailing on seas. However, the world is rapidly changing due to the advent of modern technology, which is being applied in a myriad of activities, including the navigation sector. Due to this, navigation experts have developed mobile applications and computer software which has completely demystified this task. Top on the list is the GPS system which is a creation of the US military. GPS basically works by receiving signals from its satellites and then calculates the exact geographical location. The magnetic compass of old, together with its paper map, guides a person to the specific location by showing the northern direction on the earth’s surface. By noting the North, it is obviously then easy to identify the other directions of East, West, and South.
The Best Navigation Apps
When it comes to plotting the position of your boat or your exact position while on some adventure in the wilderness, it is advisable to choose the best navigation system in order to exactly map out your world. There are a vast number of navigation applications now available and you can even find the perfect navigation iPad app. Such smart applications come in two broad categories, however, some are designed specifically for onboard navigation and others are better for the avid hiker. Maps can be downloaded, together with points of interest and some apps allow you to see your position, plan routes and track your journey. There is a host of features available too, from GPS to 3D imaging, so it is important to do some research into reliability and accuracy before making a decision.
From Lodestone To Complex Compasses
Navigational studies have identified the directional compass as being part and parcel of exploration for centuries. Before the inception of this major invention, people used to rely on the natural landmarks as well as astronomy to locate their destinations. The earliest compass is believed to have been a product of Chinese sailors in the 12th Century. This invention has hitherto been modified to reflect the changing needs of subsequent generations. However, there are many collectors sites online, supplying the original versions, so you can find antique and collectable compasses here. The original compasses were made from lodestone, a natural rock, which was later replaced by magnetised iron needles. Such needles were allowed to swing freely in order to show the natural North. Nowadays, complex compasses have been designed, but they all have a bearing on the authentic and elegant lodestone compass.