Why Sailing Boats Should Have Dressing Table Mirrors

The best sailing boats will have interior spaces where people can get dressed and tidy up their appearance. Larger vessels may even have an entire room dedicated to this purpose. Even if the boat is on the smaller size, it is still worth having a high quality dressing table mirror on hand. The best site…

Top Safety Tips for Sailing

Sailing can be a fascinating experience to pass the time, but it also comes in handy with various hazards. If it’s your first time sailing, you may be exposed to some risks if you don’t have a proper plan. It is prudent to observe all the essential guidelines for sailing to avoid risking your life….

Espresso as a Sailboat Refreshment

Owning a sailboat means that there is going to be a lot of opportunities for some exciting adventures. Each time this boat is taken out, a new experience is about to begin. To make a day out on the water extra special, it is important to have a gally setup so the participants can enjoy…

Why Kids Should Learn to Sail

Children should learn to sail and enjoy all the wonders of life on the sea like their parents. There are so many benefits of learning to sail. Kids learn about the natural world and learn skills that will stay with them for life. Safety and Responsibility Just being on the sea seeing the urgency of…

Training Tips For an Elite Sailor

Sailing requires a higher level of fitness than what many people may imagine. Elite sailors have to tug on ropes to turn the heavy boats, all the while dealing with strong winds and stinging thuds of salty water on their faces. Keep in mind that the sport is competitive, so everything has to be done…

Sailing Safety Tips

Keep The Boat Properly Maintained First and foremost a sailing vessel needs to be up to safety standards. There are several companies that can review the ship and inform the owner of any potential issues. After each long trip it is recommended that the vessel is tested to ensure it does not have any dangerous…

Figureheads And Their Importance To Sailing Ships Of Old

Nowadays we are used to the elegant and minimalistic lines of modern marine vessels, but not too long ago, various figureheads graced the bows of the proud ships of old. At times beautiful or grotesque, tranquil or scary, they were intended to instil fear in the potential opponent. Designed also to appease the sea Gods…

Best Sailing Destinations

If you’ve been dreaming about sailing to the best destinations in the world, you have probably spent a couple of hours looking at boats that may be ready for the blue water. The assumption in this piece is that you already have a water vessel that is capable of undertaking this adventure. The next thing…

The Basics Of Navigation

Since time immemorial navigators have used quite a number of methods to find their way out of wilderness or pinpoint the exact positions of ships sailing on seas. However, the world is rapidly changing due to the advent of modern technology, which is being applied in a myriad of activities, including the navigation sector. Due…
